Thursday, January 20, 2011

Desdemona's Thoughts...

Hello, I am Desdemona also know as the first witch. After giving Macbeth and his friend Banquo the “Prophecy”, I decided to try out some new spells on my pet cat (not mentioned in play). I tried very hard to try to make my cat into a dog but nothing was working. So I tried different spells but nothing worked. Suddenly Macbeth came into me and my sister’s place and asked us for more info so we summoned these apparitions to fool with his mind, and he believed them all. After he left I went on with my studies. I found this one spell that might work so I used it. The spell needed a dog’s tongue and some other stuff so I was like sure I’ll find it. I had to find ingredients from fish fillet to eye of newt so I was like where do I find all this stuff? I looked around the darkest places of Scotland to find this stuff. I did find some stuff on the way like the tongue from this piece of road kill I found but I am not going in depth about it. When I had all the ingredients I muttered the words “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble”, and it worked! I was so happy so I told my sisters that we now had a dog. When I told them, they had an opposite reaction then I expected. They were screeching and croaking because they said that cat was meant for another spell. So I was the one that had to change the dog back into a cat, here we go again.


Joseph Georgopoulos

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