Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gwendolyn's Thoughts...

Today I met up with the girls and we were planning when we should meet again, we decided when the commotion was done. My sisters and I gave Macbeth three prophecies, that he will be Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King. All he has left to complete is to become King. He thinks to himself oh no I can’t do it, there are to many heirs to the throne. Then Lady Macbeth comes along and convinces him to kill Malcolm, Donalbain and Duncan. But they can’t just kill them, someone will eventually figure out it was Macbeth. This should be interesting… And Banquo, if you read this, I did not appreciate being compared to a bubble.

Love your Girl Gwendolyn ♥

By: Taylor

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